Top 4 Dermatology Tips For Acne


If you have acne, battling the pimples every day is frustrating. How do you stop the battle and finally get your acne under control? There are some at home methods you can try before going to a dermatologist. Here are four dermatology tips for acne:

1. Clean your skin frequently, but gently.

Wash your face at least twice a day with an alcohol-free soap for sensitive skin. You should also wash your face after you sweat to remove perspiration that can clog your pores. While you're washing, use a gentle, circular motion. Don't use a harsh, abrasive cleanser or exfoliant. Avoid the temptation to scrub with a washcloth or loofah.

2. Choose the best over-the-counter acne medicine for you.

Before you make the decision to see a dermatologist, you should see if an over-the-counter acne medicine controls your acne. Here is a quick guide to the active ingredients in over-the-counter medicine:

Salicylic Acid

What it is:

Salicylic acid is a keratolytic. Salicylic acid treats and prevents acne by unclogging pores and removing dirt, sweat, and skin cells.

Minimum concentration:

If acne is mild to moderate, start with a 0.5-1% concentration. If your acne is severe, use a 2% concentration.

Benzoyl Peroxide

What it is:

Like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide is a keratolytic. Benzoyl peroxide treats and prevents acne by drying the skin and reducing sweating, and also acts as an antibacterial to get rid of bacteria that may be the cause of your acne.

Minimum Concentration:

Look for a benzoyl peroxide medicine with at least a 2.5% concentration. Benzoyl peroxide can be very drying, so even if your acne is severe, start with the minimum concentration.

3. Know the proper way of spot treating pimples.

When you get a big pimple, it can be very tempting to just pop the sucker and go on your way. Popping your pimple will only lead to more irritation and even scarring. To spot treat your pimple, apply a topical gel with benzoyl peroxide to dry out the pimple and get rid of bacteria. If you do pop your pimple, or it pops naturally, wash the area and apply the same antibacterial cream you would use for cuts.

4. Hydrate your skin.

You may not think your skin needs hydration since your acne may be caused by excess oil. However, acne prone skin needs hydration. Dryness can trigger your skin to produce more oil, which in turn can worsen your acne. Choose a moisturizer that is noncomedogenic, which means that it won't clog your pores. The moisturizer should be light and made for sensitive skin.

These four dermatology tips will help you get your acne under control. If at home methods don't work for you, contact a dermatologist. To learn more, contact a clinic like Asheboro Dermatology & Skin Surgery Center.


30 June 2016

Understanding Dermatology Concerns

When I started taking my skincare regimen more seriously, I started carefully evaluating my daily routine. I realized that I wasn't taking care of my skin like I should, so I met with a dermatologist to talk about the details. My skin doctor was incredibly kind and caring, and he did everything he could to explain what my skin needed. He started me on a skincare regimen that started that day, and I could tell that he was on to something. Within a few months, my skin looked clean, clear, and incredibly healthy. This blog is all about understanding dermatology concerns and knowing how to address serious problems.